With Speech 50, you can threaten him into leaving, which will earn you 500 caps when you return to McLafferty.

When you talk to him there, he'll demand a lucrative "severance package" from you, and you'll get three options for how to deal with him. You'll find Jamison at the Atomic Wrangler inįreeside. Whiskey), Speech 50, and Speech 75 - and passing any of the checks will get the job done and earn you 500 caps and some NCR fame when you return to McLafferty. You'll have to talk to Cass for a while, but eventually you'll get four dialogue options to convince her to sell - one each for Barter 50 (plus 750 caps), Barter 75 (plus a dozen bottles of You'll find Cass, the owner of Cassidy Caravans, in the barracks of the

When you ask McLafferty if she has any work available, she'll tell you that she needs a runner to deliver a Crimson Caravan Invoice to Thomas Hildern atĬamp McCarran. You'll receive this quest from Alice McLafferty in the main office of the